an airgunners journey
So the story begins 2015, late 2014 through to the mid-summer of 2015 I had a battle with a rare cancer resulting in the cancer quite literally having its proverbial ‘Pound of Flesh’ as I lost my right eye, orbital bone structure and all of my teeth, it was literally a life or death situation. After the operation, partial recovery then having teeth removed then an intensive course of radiotherapy and further recovery time I decided I wanted to treat myself after everything I’d been through, I also wanted a new challenge. I had wanted to treat myself to an air rifle for quite some time but never got round to it, I’d had a Crossman 2240 pistol fitted with a cheap Red Dot for a few years for ratting purposes (quite unsuccessfully may I add) as i live in a rural(ish) area and rats are a big problem. Now was the time, kill 2 birds with 1 stone, have something I’d wanted for a while and being a dominant Righty learn to shoot Lefty. A couple of weeks after this decision I visit the local Gunshop (RFD) with a friend to see what was available and that was when I saw a Daystate up close for the first time and instantly took a liking to the Wolverine, unfortunately the timing wasn’t right that day as finances wouldn’t stretch that far and I left the shop with a nice little starter PCP, the Brocock Contour S6 Elite (which i still own) set up with a Hawke scope and Hogan moderator but had it in my head that one day I would have a Wolverine.
Jump forward to December 2016 and I hear Daystate are releasing the Wolverine 2 so I google search for images out of curiosity (as you do) and came across a photo of the Saxon Limited Edition, it was love at first sight and Golem syndrome instantly set in “Must have the Precious”. £2k where was I going to find that, being classed as disabled and only working part time money is rather tight. Saving began and it was tough going, I started checking dealers I knew had Saxons on a monthly basis steadily watching them disappear. It’s now June 2017 and I have a fair chunk of the necessary funds and had managed to procure a loan for the extra money if required, at this point numbers for sale are down to around a handful and I contacted a number of dealers but came up with dead ends every time as they had sold what they had but not updated their respective websites, turns out they’d all sold or at least all those i knew of but I didn’t give up. The last resort was to check Gunstar, Guntrader, etc on a regular basis and hope that one comes up 2nd hand.
Around 6 weeks passes and I’m on various gun trading websites almost to a point of insane obsession on a daily basis when the airgun gods answer my prayers and before me is an advert for a 2nd hand Saxon .177, it was like finding the Holy Grail, immediately I make a quick call to see if the loan’s still available, it is.
I call the number on the ad with great excitement hoping it hadn’t already sold and an older gentleman answers and asks how could he help, “the Saxon, do you still have the Daystate Saxon?” caught in the moment I totally forgot my manners, he replied “We do, the ad was posted less than an hour ago, you’re the first call we’ve had about it”, what a stroke of luck, I asked for further information (politely this time after apologizing for my initial abruptness) to find out it had been on shop display and wasn’t a used rifle as such, after about a 20 minute chat and a call to my local RFD to arrange delivery and a further call the following day to make payment to the other dealer the Saxon was on its way to my local RFD and I had got a great deal in the process, 2 days later I get a call from my local RFD to say it had arrived and i’m now the Proud owner of a Saxon at last…
Straight away I set out to organize some transport with a friend and within an hour of receiving the call I arrive at the shop, on being buzzed in, I can see the box awaiting me behind the counter. The shop manager welcomes me, places the box on the counter cuts the tape and removes the case from the box, flips the clips and invites me to open it (I didn’t need to be asked twice), with great anticipation I open the case and there it is, what a beautiful piece of craftsmanship and everything I had expected the Saxon would be, I take it out the case and offer it up to my shoulder for the first time and it felt so right, perfect weight and balance. After a few minutes of looking over it myself with pure admiration I pass it over to the shop manager for him to do his necessary checks and fit my scope and around 15 minutes later I’m leaving the shop case in hand with a big smile on my face, i was a very happy man… Had it all been worth it? Without a doubt YES.
The hunt however had not come to an end as it took me over another year to find a half decent silver scope and mounts to match up with the Saxons breach block and barrel shroud, in the mean time I’d been using the Hawke AirMax EV 3-12×50 borrowed from my Contour S6. I eventually found a silver Bushnell Trophy 3-9×40 scope complete with matching BKL mounts on FreeAds in January 2019 that the seller had had fitted on a Griffin that he no longer owned and in immaculate condition, after an evening of message ping pong a deal had been hammered out, a fair price had been agreed, payment made and delivery set. The following week the scope arrives, I fit it up and in quick time had it pretty much zeroed in, the Saxon project was finally complete… as far as I’m aware I have the only Saxon with matching furniture and it looks stunning and performs beyond my expectations.
The hunt had been a long and often frustrating journey but also an exciting one and ultimately very rewarding as I couldn’t be more happy with the Saxon and consider myself a very proud Daystate owner, it truly has been a labour of love, my shooting has improved dramatically and I’m pretty sure that’s thanks to the incredible accuracy and consistency a Daystate provides rather than my own ability…