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Terry gets an email from Daystate, asking him to test the brand-new Alpha Wolf

he email from Daystate’s Tony Belas simply stated that, ‘the new Alpha Wolf will be with you tomorrow, exactly three weeks before its official launch, and we’d like you to put as many pellets through it as your schedule allows. There will be a .22 barrel kit with it, plus a .22 magazine, and we’d like you to see for yourself how easy it is to swap calibres. All input welcome – give it some serious stick!’ 

Well, there’s a communication designed to brighten a gloomy Monday morning. So it was that I cleared a Wednesday window in my minor publishing executive schedule, and spent Tuesday with my ear cocked, listening for the delivery person’s arrival.The package was
delivered, mid-morning, and, consummate professional that I am, I dropped everything I was doing and headed straight for my club to shoot the Alpha Wolf for a couple of hours. I learned a great deal from that first session, and from many subsequent ones, but before I tell you what this remarkable new, all-electronic rifle is all about, I need to establish what it isn’t.