The 11th annual Extreme Benchrest competition is over, and the results are in! As usual, Daystate was superbly represented by the Daystate Wolf Pack team.
The EBR is one of the world’s biggest and most prestigious airgun events in the annual calendar, taking place every October at the Rio Salado range just outside Phoenix Arizona USA. This huge competition draws top shooters from all over the globe over to shoot over the 4 days, where shooters compete in a multitude of different categories and classes, but there are two that we all watch for. The first and most important is the title match the Extreme Bench Rest competition that takes place at 50, then 75 and finally 100 yards. Another competition that stands out from the rest for sheer fun and excitement is the crowd’s favourite, the outdoor speed silhouette.

This year, a Daystate ASP (Airgunners Support Pack) shooter Fadi Kiwan all the way from Lebanon took top honours in the 75 yard competition, while champion in the speed silhouette was Tom Adams, a regular in these competitions as well as being regular winner in the speed shoot having also won in 2021! –
click here to watch an exciting video of Tom winning the outdoor speed silhouette at the 2022 Extreme Benchrest competition!