Mark Camoccio tests the all-singing, all-dancing Daystate Delta Wolf
Well, I best start by stating the obvious; Daystate’s new flagship baby isn’t for everyone. I think it’s only fair, in these dark days, where social media types insist on being offended at every turn, that I issue an appropriate early warning. For traditionalists, should indeed ‘look away now’.

Evolution of the species
While several manufacturers have dabbled with electronic triggers over the years, electronic power delivery has been, and remains, the sole preserve of the Daystate brand. Since the late David Snook and his team hit the market with the rather delicious MK3, we’ve had a succession of upgrades and improvements, all offering an electronic alternative to a mechanical PCP action. This time around, and with the Pulsar project conveniently dropped from the listings, the new Delta Wolf can now sit pretty as the company’s new flagship model. It’s an important product for a variety of reasons, but we will be seeing more of its ilk, as the action that lies at its heart becomes the platform upon which future models are based. The spec sheet alone is enough to induce the odd nervous twitch or two, so I’ll start by just listing the features, then we can delve more deeply, as necessary.