EBR 2019 Daystate Winners
Daystate rifles were by far the shooters choice at the 2019 Extreme Bench Rest with the RedWolf by far the most popular choice and a number of notable wins to the company’s flagship air rifles credit. For the First time the RedWolf Safari and RedWolf Midnight were present, and the addition of blue and brown colours made a change to the sea of red stocks seen at last year’s event!

Daystate RedWolf with a walnut stock in the capable hands of ART tester Bobby Corcorran

Junior shooter Sabastian Lopez shooting a RedWolf Safari (photo: Hard Air Magazine)
Competitions such as the EBR are as much a four day social-gathering for shooters as anything else, a chance to shoot pretty much every top rifle shoot everything from Field Target to pistol shooting, meet friends, as well as some of the better known journalist and even some representatives from manufacturers with notable’s as the Daystate owner Mauro Marocchi and Frank Walther from Lothar Walther barrels attending this year.
But while we are talking about victory’s, Daystate did not leave without notable success;
For example, on the first day of the match was the Extreme FT event, that has a heavily bias to high powered rifles, Daystate took 6 out of the top 8 places with the winner being John Bagakis with Garret Thomas winning the Junior class,
Another prestigious award is the one-gun challenge where a shooter is only eligible if he uses the same rifle in multiple disciplines across the EBR match. This year’s winner was Alan Scoles, with third place also being taken with another RedWolf in the hands of Veteran shooter Bobby Corcorran.
Speed Silhouette was hotly contested by all makes, Tom Adams took top place in the professional class with John Bagakis taking second place in the Open Class.
Over at the Extreme Benchrest itself, second and third positions in sportsman class were taken by Chuck Misenheimer and Dave Corder. While Junior class was won by Sebastian Lopez who also managed a second in the 50 yard bench rest on the Saturday.

Tom Adams shooting a Daystate RedWolf Midnight in .25 calibre
Big Credit to The Dollar Sportsman
Monday 13th

Photo curtesy of Hard Air magazine
Tom Adams wins Extreme Bench Rest Speed Silhouette Pro Class!
In a stunning display of speed and fast shooting, Daystate Wolf pack member Tom Adams, who you may remember was our top-tip to win this match, just pipped fellow team member Sabastian Lopez to top honours in Sundays finals.
The match was the scene of high drama as Tom Adams fought tooth and nail with Sebastian Lopez. In fact, Tom’s time was shorter than Sebastian’s by just 1/100th of a second!
As a gesture of pure sportsmanship Tom shared the $,1000 prize with Junior-shooter Sabastian and in a further sporting gesture, Daystate owner Mauro Marocchi also chipped in to gift Sebastian a Brocock Concept Lite in recognition of his fantastic effort.
The EBR 100 yard match was won by Nikolay Boldov from Russia.
Who has been invited to visit the Daystate factory next month. More news to follow.

Sunday 12th
Saturday 11th

Friday 10th
Here is a shot clip of our intrepid roving reporter Simon Cockayne, who is out in Arizona bringing us the latest news and Mr Mauro Marocchi the owner of Daystate who is seen here shooting in the Extreme Field Target match using a Daystate RedWolf Safari…way to go!
EBR has started! With shooters competing in the Extreme Field Target match (EFT) and the Extreme benchrest 50 yards (EBR 50 yards)

EB 2019 is a go!

Thursday 9th
With one day to go we thought we would share an Interview from last year with TOM ADAMS one of the companies best hopes for the speed shoot competition.
Watch the interview!
We wish Tom Good Luck for EBR 2019!
Speed Shoot Action
Wednesday 8th
Just two days to go before the start of the biggest match of the year. EBR 2019 is about to start! Visit this site for all the latest news and views, we will be giving you all the latest results as well as interviews from our Wolf Pack team at the match.